Birth Work

“What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle”



Imagine if every parent, no matter their race or economic status, received support in their mind, body, and spirit throughout pregnancy and childbirth, as well as postpartum.  It would be a very different world.


ORIGINS Birth Work includes the following services:

Doula Services: $1000

  • Free initial meet and greet in person or on zoom to see if it is a good match

  • On-call care 2 weeks before due-date and two weeks after birth including available support via phone, text or email

  • One postpartum home visit with postpartum bodywork

Embodied Birth: $800

  • Friday evening is dedicated to Mothers only from 5-8pm Yoga, connection, questions, fears.

  • Saturday instruction for mothers and partners from 9-3pm couples initiation into becoming parents, education the partner in how to best be of service to the Mama

  • Sunday instruction for family and community from 9-12pm Innate Postpartum care educating your layer of support beyond your partner on rest, warmth, nutrition, bodywork, and community connection

Stay Tuned For Dates

Postpartum Support: $1200

  • One 2-hour visit per week for 6 weeks

  • Available by phone, text or email for additional support

  • Visits include massage, castor oil packs, nutritious food, sitz baths for the yoni, yoni steams, nervous system regulation and birth story healing

Contact Me Here To Discuss Payment Plan & Individual Sessions

Ceremonies: Donation Based

  • Blessing Way, held in honor of the transition into Motherhood grieving the life you are leaving and stepping into the new life to come.  Shared nourishment of food and wisdom with beloved family and friends.

  • Closing the Bones, acknowledging the immense changes a woman has undergone in pregnancy and childbirth and assists in bringing the mothers spirit back into her body.

  • Baby Blessing, welcoming this new spirit onto the planet with intention and consciousness. 

Contact Me To Discuss Scheduling

Placenta Encapsulation: $150

  • I pick up the placenta within 24 hours after the birth and return in another 24 with your placenta capsules