I have worked closely with the whole body system for over twenty five years. I believe everyone is whole, complete and perfect. As a holistic practitioner I am able to facilitate opportunities for healing and transformation on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

Our Work Together
My work is designed to liberate clients from physical and emotional patterns that cause pain and dis-ease within the body. I work with the often uncomfortable liminal spaces of the human experience - transition, loss, birth, death, divorce, etc - I provide an accepting, loving and safe environment for people to explore their body structures and core beliefs to open to a fuller sense of potential and fulfillment.
I have had a strong spiritual path for over 25 years and have been blessed to learn and grow from teachings of many mentors, teachers and elders. I have a strong connection to my ancestors and value the ones that have come before me. I hold the context of freedom and have the gift of holding deep space and the ability to see in the dark.